
We also work with ECOLOGY

Hans Kjaer Trading A/S has in several decades been a leading player in selling organic fruit products in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Organic farming is build upon four basic principles according to the European embrella organisation for organic food and farming-principles – IFOAM EU Group (the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)


Organic Agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and the planet as one and indivisible.


Organic Agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, emulate them and help sustain them.


Organic Agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the commen environment and life opportunities.


Organic Agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

These principles should be secured through education, knowledge-sharing, control and Certifications.

EU has issued Regulation 848 (enters into force in 2022). This announces, which conditions should be met for the industry to use the European logo for ecology. Many European countries have approved boards, that can issue these Certificates. In Denmark it is “Fødevarestyrelsen”, which have the authority to do so.

Some countries within and outside the EU may have requirements that go beyond the ones announced in Regulation 848. In Sweden there is the certification standard called KRAV, which have more elaborate requirement on social justice. This does not mean that one cannot sell EU certified organic products in Sweden without the KRAV certification added. Does one whish KRAV certified products is this doable. Is the specific product not already KRAV certified, this can be done, though it requires a certain offtake for the certification costs to be justified.

In search of further information regarding our organic products – contact us or see our product range.


Økologisk landbrug skal opretholde og forbedre sundheden i jord, planter, dyr, mennesker og planeten som et hele


Økologisk landbrug skal være baseret på levende økologiske systemer og cykler, arbejde med dem, efterligne dem og hjælpe med at opretholde dem


Økologisk landbrug skal bygges på forhold der sikrer retfærdighed i relation til det fælles miljø og leve muligheder


Økologisk landbrug skal forvaltes forsigtigt og ansvarligt for at beskytte sundheden og trivslen for nutidige og fremtidige generationer og deres omgivelser

Disse principper ønskes sikret gennem uddannelse, vidensdeling, control og certificeringer.

EU har i 2007 udstedt regulativ 834, som bekendtgør, hvilke betingelser der skal være godkendt for, at producenterne kan gøre brug af det europæiske mærke for økologi. Mange europæiske lande har fået godkendt råd, der kan udstede disse certificeringer. I Danmark er det bl.a. Fødevarestyrelsen, der har autoritet til dette.

Nogle lande i og udenfor EU kan have betingelser, der går ud over de i regulativ 834 udstedte. I Sverige er der en certificeringsstandard kaldet KRAV, som stiller højere krav til social retfærdighed. Dette betyder ikke, at man ikke kan sælge EU certificerede økologiske færdigvarer uden KRAV certificering i Sverige. Ønskes KRAV certificerede produkter, kan dette lade sig gøre. Er produktet ikke allerede KRAV godkendt, betinges certificeringen dog af et aftag af en hvis størrelse, for at omkostningerne til certificeringen skal kunne retfærdiggøres.

Ønskes yderligere oplysninger om vores økologiske produkter – kontakt os eller se vores produktsortiment.

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