Cider has a long history and begins to appear in the literature during the reign of Charles the Great (768-814) and has since the 1800s become significantly more popular as both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. In recent times, the increasing popularity can also be attributed to the gluten movement. Cider is today produced with both whole fruits such as apples and pears, but fruit concentrates are also used to be able to achieve the same taste every time you produce.
In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of microbreweries experimenting with fruit varieties and fruit blends to achieve new fresh and unique flavors. We work closely with our partners to be able to offer exciting new flavors with a spotlight on offering our customers the best ingredients, regardless of whether it is organic or conventional products.
We have a wide selection of juices, purees and concentrates available and are ready to help you find your way around product variants, fruits, and the process. Just contact us via our chat, by e-mail or phone, we are ready to help you with application opportunities and the use of our raw materials.